Innovative cloud solutions for consumer products

A success story from Industex

The challenge

Industex was looking for a cloud services provider capable of responding to its needs and particularities as a company. They also wanted a close relationship with a partner capable of providing support.

The solution

A personalized cloud solution which is built based on their needs, managed by a flexible and accessible team, which supports Industex to help them solve any problem.

Industex is a consumer products company founded in 1991 in Barcelona. They market their products in large stores, supermarkets and shopping centers and directly to consumers through television advertisements and online channels.

From 1994, the company grew with subsidiary companies throughout Europe: Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland. They also began to operate in markets outside Europe with the creation of subsidiary companies in the United States, Canada, Japan and Australia. In 2008 they arrived in the United Kingdom through the acquisition of Best Direct International.

Starting in 2018, but especially from 2020 on, the company focused on online sales, publishing ads on social networks and creating 10 online sales projects. Industex is one of the top 30 Facebook clients in the EMEA region.

Digital transformation in consumer products

Industex is a company that has carried out a great digital transformation process in recent years. An ambitious and complex project due to the particularities of the company.

On the one hand, Industex is a parent company of a large number of subsidiary companies that it has been creating, absorbing or merging with over 30 years. This means working with a very heterogeneous ecosystem of ERPs, CRMs, desktop systems or email solutions. But it also involves a great diversity of different legal and business requirements depending on the country. For example, the type of personal data that the company must manage and the level of protection for each type of data is different depending on the jurisdiction in which they operate.

On the other hand, Industex is a company that works on products with very short life cycles. Very little time passes from the moment a business opportunity is detected until it is put up for sale. Speed and flexibility are key to bringing the product to the market in the shortest possible time and thus taking advantage of the business opportunity. In addition, they need to work with large volumes of data in an agile way due to their focus on video as a marketing and sales tool. On television, but also in large stores, where the product exhibition is accompanied by videos with demonstrations.

“We spent a long time looking for a supplier that had the capacity for growth and adaptation but at the same time was very accessible, so we could sit down together to design a solution.”

Elias Valea, CIO of Industex

An accessible and flexible cloud service, adapted to their needs

The focus on online sales in recent years has led them to develop a large number of e-commerce and microsite projects. To this end, they have begun to deploy large cloud resources, which give them the flexibility to size the infrastructure at times of high demand.

However, traditional cloud providers did not fit Industex’s particularities, lacking the flexibility to propose solutions adapted to their needs. On the other hand, at Industex they also felt the supplier was distant, which caused frustrations when it came to fitting the business needs into very tight solutions.

Today, Industex works with Adam’s cloud solutions in the form of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), which allows them to work with dynamic and flexible infrastructure, capable of adapting to their needs. Unlike traditional cloud solutions, at Adam each project is worked on in a dedicated manner, building the solution based on the business and infrastructure needs of the company.

A completely personalized infrastructure adapted to their needs

Furthermore, the accessibility and support of Adam’s team is another key factor in the relationship with Industex. For Elias Valea, CIO of Industex, “the experience is positive in every way. I highly value the ability to confront a problem when it occurs, turn it around and turn it into a success.”

Adam’s ability to support Industex to find solutions to any problem is something that Valea finds “unthinkable in other suppliers, and it is something that is greatly appreciated.”

In the end, Industex enjoys a completely personalized infrastructure, adapted to its particularities just as if they were internal systems, but managed by Adam. In this way, Industex can free up resources to allocate them to innovation and digital transformation projects.

“Adam’s cloud solutions provide Industex with an infrastructure adapted to its needs and an accessible and flexible team capable of offering support.”

Elias Valea, CIO of Industex

Why have customized cloud services with a flexible accessible team

Elias Valea, CIO of Industex, highlights the main benefits of having a solid and stable partner like Adam, who are capable of offering:

  • A personalized cloud infrastructure adapted to their needs.
  • An accessible, proactive team involved in solving their problems.
  • Support to make the best possible decisions.
  • Growth capacity to absorb demand peaks typical of their activity.

“The experience is amazing. The possibility of being able to deal directly with a systems or communications engineer is fantastic for us. Adam is giving us that and we value it enormously because it was hard to find.”

Elias Valea, CIO of Industex