We are an Internet service provider that operates with the 15699 Autonomous System and we are connected to several  traffic providers, among others: Colt, NTT, Cogent and Aire Networks (with connections in Barcelona and Madrid) and direct peering at three neutral points: ESPANIX, CATNIX and DECIX

As ISP (Internet Service Provider) we offer our own connectivity in our data centers through different modalities:

  • Internet access: Adam assigns a range of their addressing to the client. 
  • Publication of PI ranges: Adam announces the clients’ Provider Independent (PI) prefixes through their Autonomous System (AS).
  • Internet traffic: Adam provides Internet traffic to clients that have AS and their own addressing through the establishment of a BGP session.

Adam’s connectivity services can be contracted in single or redundant connection modes. 

Here you can find more information about our connectivity service.

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