TycheTools and Adam design security and visualisation system based on sensors and AI

One of the most critical aspects of a data centre is the monitoring, visualisation, and automation of its infrastructures for greater efficiency, but above all to guarantee the quality of service and the security of its clients’ data. 

For this reason, at Adam TecnoAlcalá, our third data centre and one of the most innovative in southern Europe, we have worked with TycheTools on the implementation of the ECOaaS solution, based on the secure sensorisation of Room 1 of this centre. 

A solution that anticipates possible anomalies

The joint project to visualise the room’s climate is based on the premise that several eyes see more than one. By monitoring the entire room non-invasively with ECOaaS, through the initial deployment of more than 500 sensors and AI software developed by TycheTools, data-driven models are obtained. 

Most existing systems are rule-based: assumptions are created on which these rules are based, and the alarm is triggered when one of these assumptions is met (e.g., when a threshold is exceeded). This implies that the alarm occurs after the failure has already occurred. 

This solution, on the other hand, relies on the generation of Artificial Intelligence models that can foresee a future anomaly in the system before it becomes a problem for the infrastructure. This provides Adam and our customers with unprecedented levels of availability and reliability in the market.

tychetools adam datacenter ecoaas

The most important thing about ECOaaS: automation

The focus of the TycheTools system is automation, so that it adds value by adding information to existing room operation equipment with critical infrastructure. 

In this way, the high qualification of our operators in Adam is combined with greater peace of mind for them and our customers, who see that both the environmental conditions in the room and the consumption conditions are improved and optimised thanks to this non-intrusive monitoring. 

This also makes this data centre more sustainable and much more efficient, drastically reducing CO2 generation as well as energy costs.

tychetools adam datacenter ecoaas

Artificial intelligence, key to the generation of data-driven predictive models

The artificial intelligence that manages this system is constantly modelling the behaviour of the room and generating models to anticipate and predict possible failures. This helps to make precise and localised adjustments to the room climate, allowing the desired temperature, pressure, and humidity to be provided at any time and in any location. 

ECOaaS for Adam is geared towards data processing that complements the expertise of the operating team in a simple and comprehensible way. This allows the operators in the hall to use it efficiently and easily with greater insight into the environment in real time, raising the robustness of our operational processes to even greater heights.

ADAM and its automation project with TycheTools ECOaaS can be summed up in three words: efficiency, sustainability, and reliability for its customers.

If you need more information and would like to talk to our expert team:

Ask here for a meeting with Adam

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